Do you believe your responses

to these questions are keeping

your business from reaching

its potential?


I will help you create and implement

solutions that will add real value to

your business.


One of the keys to leading a successful business is asking the right questions

When it comes to your people, I recommend asking the following:



Do your employees possess the skills and behaviors required to provide your business a sustainable competitive advantage?

            To achieve your goals you must have people that understand
            that it is not only what you achieve, but how you achieve it.
            The right people can take a good plan and drive great results.

MY FIRST STEP: Achieve an accurate assessment of the skills and behaviors of your employees.

Is your business structured to meet your goals?

            Your structure must support your business plan. The right
            structure will improve communications, accelerate decision
            making, enhance teamwork and drive accountability in your

MY FIRST STEP: Determine if you have the most effective structure for your customers and organization.

Is the biggest challenge facing your business not what to do, but who is going to do it?

            Entrepreneurs succeed or fail based upon the performance of
            their employees. The majority of the game is having the right
            people, placing them in the right positions, encouraging their
            input and removing barriers that get in their way.

MY FIRST STEP: Align Your People Strategy with Business Strategy.

Does your business provide a Value Proposition to your employees that allows you to attract and retain the best and brightest?

            This isn’t just about compensation. There are a number of key
            factors that drive your ability to attract, engage and retain the
            people you need to win in the marketplace.  

MY FIRST STEP: Build a Value Proposition for your business that attracts and retains the best and brightest.

Are you prepared to effectively deal with Poor Performance and
Disruptive Behaviors that are impacting employee morale and results?

            High achievers want to work with other high achievers. That
            means people that are results oriented, team players that
            do their share.
MY FIRST STEP: Provide effective performance feedback to employees that support their growth both personally and professionally. 

Is your business in compliance with the complex, ever changing myriad of State and Federal Laws governing your employees?

            Problems here can be, at least, a huge distraction. At most,
            they can also be expensive, impacting your pocketbook and 
            your brand. This is truly an area where an ounce of prevention
            is worth a pound of cure.

MY FIRST STEP: Identify the most effective way to ensure your employees do not create legal liability for your business.
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